Viewing Device List
Click the "Devices" option to view all Atmocubes added to the organization:
The following functions are available In the “DEVICES” screen:
filter devices by location
add new device with "Add device" button (refer to "Adding Atmocube To Dashboard")
filter devices using "Search" field
export data for selected devices with "Export data" button (refer to "Exporting data")
edit devices (click the icon in the “Actions” column)
Editing Devices
The following functions are available in the “Edit device” screen:
change device name
change device location
add floor plan
change device position on existing floor plan
Save changes by pressing the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.
Device notifications can also be fine-tuned on the “Edit Device” screen:
Enable notifications for parameters as desired
Set threshold values: enter directly in input fields, or choose predefined values with up and down arrows
Save changes by pressing the "Save" button
If one or more parameters exceed the threshold values, a notification will appear in the dashboard interface:
If e-mail notifications are enabled in the Profile settings, a notification will be sent by e-mail:
Managing Locations
Click the "Locations" option to view all Atmocube locations in the organization. This option is only available to users with admin or owner access (refer to User roles).
The following functions are available in the “Locations” screen:
add new locations with the "Add Location" button
add floor and floor plan for the selected location with the "Add Floor" button
edit a location or a floor with the settings button (below):
Location without floor plan uploaded
Location with floor plan uploaded
delete or edit location or floor on the "EDIT LOCATION" screen
update notification settings for all devices located in selected location or on selected floor
Managing Notifications
There are several types of notifications to stay up-to-date with Atmocube.
Dashboard Notifications
On every screen in the dashboard application, new notifications are indicated with a "jingle bell" icon in the upper right corner. This indicates any new event and also shows the total number of new events. Clicking on this icon opens the "NOTIFICATIONS" screen with a list of all events registered during device(s) operation:
Notifications can be filtered by the following:
device location
floor location
event type (such as parameter and online/offline status notifications; multiple events can be selected)
event date/time occurrence
Notifications can be searched by entering keywords or numbers in the "search" input field.
E-mail Notifications
E-mail notifications can be turned on/off in the Profile settings for the following events:
device online/offline
parameter change
low battery (for battery-powered models in the future)
Notification intervals (for both dashboard and e-mail notifications) can be set in the "Profile" settings.