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BACnet Setup Guide
Updated over 2 months ago

Atmocube supports multiple communication protocols including Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus RTU which can be integrated into BACnet IP or BACnet MSTP enabled monitoring and control systems via a gateway.

Atmocube provides Modbus TCP/IP support via Wi-Fi or the Ethernet port on the device.

Atmocube provides Modbus RTU support via the dry contact input module on the back of the device.

ATMO recommends the Intesis Modbus-BACnet gateway for conversion from Modbus TCP/IP or Modbus RTU to BACnet IP or BACnet MSTP.

The Modbus to BACnet gateway can be used in the following configurations:

Note: The Modbus feature is turned off by default. Before the Modbus to BACnet protocol translator gateway can be configured, the Modbus feature needs to be turned on. To turn on Modbus, please refer to the section “Using the Atmocube configuration tool to enable Modbus on Atmocube” in the guide here.

Configuring the Modbus to BACnet protocol translator gateway.

  1. Download and install the Intesis MAPS software. The software is available for Windows-based PCs and is compatible with the recommended Intesis Modbus-BACnet gateway.

  2. Run the Intesis MAPS software and create a new project using the Create New Project option from the sidebar menu or load a project template using the Load Project option from the sidebar menu. The project template provided by ATMO can be downloaded here. If loading the Atmocube project template, skip to step 4.

3. Choose BACnet from the BMS protocol list and select the Intesis Modbus-BACnet gateway by entering the order code: INBACMBM1000000.

4. In the General tab, set up a connection according to the network configuration.

5. In the BACnet Server tab, set up a BACnet server according to the required configuration.

6. In the Modbus Master tab, configure Modbus by choosing the Modbus connection type and node settings. Configure these settings according to the connected Atmocube(s) settings. Use the existing RTU ports for Atmocube(s) with the Modbus RTU mode enabled, or create new nodes for each Atmocube with Modbus TCP/IP mode enabled.

Configuring a Modbus TCP/IP connection

  1. Select TCP as the Modbus Type.

  2. Click Add Node

3. Configure node connection settings according to the Atmocube(s) connected settings.

4. Add the device settings template file available for download here.

5. Click on Import File and import the device settings template file, Atmocube Modbus BACnet Device Template.bacmbm, downloaded in the previous step.

6. Click on Apply to apply the device settings from the template file.

7. The Atmocube device will be added to the Modbus TCP node.

Configuring a Modbus RTU connection

  1. Select RTU as the Modbus Type.

  2. Use the existing RTU ports for configuration.

  3. Add the device settings template file available for download here.

4. Click on Import File and import the device settings template file, Atmocube Modbus BACnet Device Template.bacmbm, downloaded in the previous step.

5. Click on Apply to apply the device settings from the template file.

6. The Atmocube device will be added to the Modbus RTU node.

Note: Setting the Modbus Register Base to 1 based is compulsory.

7. Setup active signals according to the set of sensors in the Atmocubes, as needed.

8. Connect the gateway to the MAPS software by local network or a USB cable.

9. Send the configuration to the gateway by clicking Send.

10. After the gateway reboots, reconnect to the gateway. Open the Diagnostic window and view the signals by pressing the Refresh button.

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