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Factory Reset
Updated over 2 months ago

To reset the Atmocube, please consult the images below:

Step 6: Factory Reset

This step will guide you through two different ways to reset your device. The first variant resets the device to factory settings, while the second variant resets it to factory firmware. Follow the relevant instructions based on your specific need.

Variant A: Reset to Factory Settings
1. After pressing and releasing the Reset button once, hold the Main button and wait until all LEDs become blinking yellow.
2. As soon as you see the LEDs blinking yellow, release the main button within 3 seconds.
3. Your device will now reset to factory settings.

​Variant B: Reset to Factory Firmware
1. After pressing and releasing the reset button once, hold the Main button and wait until all LEDs become solid white (this could take around 25 seconds).
2. As soon as you see the solid white LEDs, release the main button within 3 seconds.
3. Your device will now reset to factory firmware.


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